GREEN POWER is a global environmental nonprofit working to create a world where people and nature can thrive.
What we do between now and 2030 will determine whether we avoid the worst impacts of climate change, conserve enough habitat to slow down species loss, and safeguard people.
Community Development
Welcome to Our Nature Conservation and Rural Community Development Project in Tshuapa, Democratic Republic of Congo
Credit carbone
Our initiative focuses on the rich forests of the Tshuapa and Equatorial regions, which are vital ecosystems that play a crucial role in carbon sequestration and biodiversity conservation.
Transforming Agriculture in Tshuapa
Our mission is to empower local farmers, enhance food security, and promote sustainable agricultural practices that respect the rich biodiversity of our environment.
Solar Energy Empowerment
provide solar energy solutions to rural communities with limited access to electricity, improving their quality of life and promoting sustainable development.
Production of Spirulina
Spirulina is a nutrient-rich superfood that captures carbon dioxide through photosynthesis, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote environmental sustainability.
Our latest initiative focuses on establishing a spirulina farm in remote regions to provide nutritious food and create economic opportunities for local residents.
Reduce or store 3 gigatons of CO2 emissions yearly & sale of carbon credit
We will use the power of nature and the strength of policy and markets to reduce emissions, support renewable energy, and store carbon to reach our goal of avoiding or sequestering 3 billion metric tons (about 3.31 billion tons) of carbon dioxide emissions each year.
Restore and Conserve 1.6 billion acres of land
We will partner with communities around the globe to conserve 650 million hectares (about 1.6 billion acres) of land. Together we will restore and improve management of working lands, support the leadership of Indigenous Peoples as land stewards, and conserve critical forests, grasslands and other habitats rich in carbon and biodiversity.
Nature protection and eco-tourism
we are dedicated to preserving the beauty and biodiversity of our natural world while promoting responsible eco-tourism practices. Our mission is to protect our planet’s ecosystems and empower communities to engage in sustainable tourism that benefits both nature and local economies.
GREEN POWER organization collaborates with solar energy experts to bring electricity to rural communities. Join us in our mission to provide sustainable and reliable power solutions to those in need.
We offer individuals, industries, institutions and households in the city, a collection service to recycle your plastic waste responsibly.
We work with non-profit organizations, businesses, industrialists and other organizations to organize community events to raise awareness about the collection and sorting of plastic waste.
All plastic materials are sorted, processed and recycled according to their physical characteristics in a responsible manner by our trained teams. We also offer a collection service accompanied by training in waste sorting